By this contract made, on one side, JMV Technology Eirelli EPP, legal entity of private law, founded in 2003, registered under the CNPJ No. 05.487.918/0001-20, having its headquarters at Rua Gesse Silva Ferreira, 60, Planalto district, Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, CEP 35.501-811, duly represented by its administrator partner called CONTRACTED, on the other side Name or Trade Name: Your Company called CONTRACTOR, residing at
Street/Av: ___________________________________________________________________ N° ________, District _________________________, City _________________________, State __________ , Zip Code ________________, CNPJ: ___________________________, having as its legal representative registered under CPF: ______________________, Phone: _____________________, and E-mail ________________________________ or individual registered under CPF: _________________________________________, E-mail: _____________________________, Phone: _______________________________, have, among themselves, by fair and contracted the execution of this private instrument of assignment of rights of use of shared Audio and Video Streaming Technology services and development of Web and Mobile platforms for Streaming audio and video, distance learning platforms and vehicle tracking, doing so through the following clauses and conditions reciprocally adjusted to nature of legal business perfect and finished to know.
A) JMV Technology Eirelli EPP provides via web Software as a Service (SaaS), access to its various Platforms, developed as solutions for companies in the TV, Radio Broadcasting, and e-learning and other segments through their websites, and all terms governing their contracts are in this document or more updated version by the following link:
B) JMV Technology Eirelli EPP does not develop custom software or websites for the end consumer, our services are intended for the B2b market (Business to Business) or company for companies wishing to use our digital technologies in their business.
C) The terms described below, apply to any use of any of the sites linked to JMV Technology Eirelli EPP, from the moment you use our sites, systems or platforms, whether in a contractual or test, paid or free. Our privacy policy also applies, and can always be accessed at:
D) JMV Technology Eirelli EPP reserves the right to modify the information of products and services contained on any of its sites, although email will be sent to all, can not be held responsible if any user does not receive such notification, either current or potential customers.
E) JMV Technology Eirelli EPP, values to work so that all information contained on its websites are accurate and reliable, however, occasionally errors may occur, so it is not responsible for possible spelling or typing errors and other possible inaccuracies in the content available on any of its websites, requiring the confirmation of any service to be hired, before their effective hiring, or agreement with any possible error reported later.
F) All JMV Technology Eirreli EPP sites may contain links to third party sites that are not under its control, therefore JMV Technology Eirreli EPP, cannot be held responsible for the content of any site other than those registered under its name.
G) All systems and ware platforms made available on the sites of JMV Technology Eirelli EPP, are copyrighted work of the same or its licensors. Use of these platforms is subject to these terms and conditions of the user license agreement, and any use, reproduction or distribution or resale of these platforms that is not in accordance with these terms of use is expressly prohibited.
H) The sites linked to JMV Technology Eirelli EPP, may contain references to products, services that have not been announced or made available for all countries, I their currency, and which these references do not oblige JMV Technology Eirelli EPP to make available these products, services or programs in different countries, with local currency Brazilian, all services sold outside of Brazil will have their marketing converted to U.S. dollars U.S. dollars.
I) Before you choose a service or make a payment, you must make sure that you really want to use the Service under the conditions we offer. To do so, you should check these Terms, the materials available about the platforms on our channels, video demos, or ask questions at 0800 037 4225.
By accessing the Service and/or making a payment for one of our Plans, even if prepaid, you declare that you have read and fully accept these Terms.
The CONTRACTOR shall choose the plan that best suits him/her among those available in the sites of the CONTRACTED one, commercial partners, support specialists, sales representatives and account managers, either main services, complementary or additional, mentioned in the same address at the moment of the celebration of the present contract, or later, complementary or additional services, which will be charged at the moment of activation, after the request of this complementary contracting, becomes an integrant part of the object of the contract and will be accessed through login and password by the link
2.1.1 – The present contract is concluded for a period of 30 (thirty), or 90 (ninety), or 180 (one hundred and eighty), or 365 (three hundred and sixty five) days, according to the signed post-paid contract, renewable for equal periods, successively. In the prepaid mode, every time the CONTRACTOR makes a payment, the service will be automatically renewed for the contracted hourly period, as long as there is no renouncement by any of the parts within the period of 30 (thirty) days. Invoices will be sent exclusively via e-mail 10 days before their due date. If the invoices do not arrive, or if they are not located by the contractor, the contractor is not released from the obligation to pay, but is responsible for calling the company’s support phone numbers to pay the invoices.
2.1.2 – The start of the services and, therefore, the beginning of the validity of the contract will be from the installation that will occur within one business day after the confirmation of the payment of the registration fee and the first monthly fee, or as described in the customized contract.
2.1.3 – The prepaid service will be automatically suspended the day after the invoice is due. If the CONTRACTING PARTY is interested in maintaining the service without automatic suspension in the event of late payment, the CONTRACTING PARTY must open a Ticket for the Commercial-Sales department requesting a change from monthly prepaid service to annual service, thus becoming a postpaid service, with the possibility of suspension only after 30 days of delay.
2.1.4 – In the hypothesis of a change from monthly service to annual service, a new contract will be written, since it is a matter of providing services with a minimum fidelity of 1 (one) year, in two copies of equal content and form.
2.1.5 – Even if the CONTRACTOR stops using the services before the end date of his/her plan, for any reason, he/she will remain responsible for the payment of the total amount of his/her plan and for any additional items that the CONTRACTOR has requested. These values are not refundable.
2.2.1 – If the amounts agreed upon in this clause are not paid in the period provided, the CONTRACTOR will be responsible for the suspension of the services provided after 30 days of delay, and judicial execution of this contract and the financial update of 0.5% (Zero point five percent), pro rata die.
2.2.2 – In case of non-payment of this contract, and delays over 90 days, in addition to the full payment of the value of this instrument, the CONTRACTOR will be responsible for all judicial and sucumbency expenses and fees to be included in the possible execution of this contract.
2.2.3 – This contract will be automatically renewed, after the period mentioned in this clause, without costs for the CONTRACTOR, using the IPCA correction of the last 12 months applied to the monthly amounts, renewed successively, since there is no waiver by any of the parties.
2.2.4 – After the end of the total contract period described in this clause, if the CONTRACTOR wishes to terminate this contract, it is sufficient that he/she create a support call in the CONTRACTOR’s system in the panel, 30 days in advance, and it will be provided the termination of the same without cost to the CONTRACTOR.
2.2.5 – At the time of the possible rescission of this contract, if there is any amount still in debit, it must be immediately settled, the contract cannot under any circumstances be rescinded with open values by the CONTRACTOR.
2.3.1 – JMV Technology, reserves the right to offer at a trial level, either by commercial strategy, or any internal criteria used, to offer the CONTRACTOR trial or free plans.
2.3.2 – For these free, test, trial, or equivalent plans, the CONTRACTOR is aware and agrees that there is no level of technical support or help from the CONTRACTED PARTY’s team. – Only the paid plans have our staff training and support, and customer service.
2.3.2 – The plans that may exist in the free or trial mode are of the self-service type; the customer hires, uses, watches the tutorials and/or cancels, all automatically.
2.3.4 – The SERVICE PROVIDER, and all of its employees have normal access to all files and time codes hosted on its systems.
2.3.5 – The CONTRACTOR is aware and agrees that for the free plans, there is no file backup system.
2.3.6 – The CONTRACTOR may, without any prior notice, only by definition of guidelines, cancel or suspend the provision of free plans and completely remove all the CONTRACTING PARTY’s files and data, without their respective backups, making any subsequent recovery impossible .
3.1 – Once a Plan is chosen, it becomes an inseparable part of these terms and it is your obligation to make payments in the amounts and periodicity foreseen. The CONTRACTOR will pay the SERVICE PROVIDER, for the rendering of the services, the value of the contracted service, available at, referring to the chosen plan on the requested due date.
3.1.1 – Plan changes can be made by requesting the SERVICE PROVIDER’s sales team via chat, telephone 0800 037 4225.
3.1.2 – The plans available for the platforms may change at any time. The Plan that the CONTRACTING PARTY chooses will remain unchanged until the end of its term, whether it is postpaid or prepaid, in the case of postpaid, possible adjustments are already contained in the contract itself, in the case of prepaid there is no rule for increasing or terminating the plan.
3.2 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is responsible for checking its e-mail and/or Spam boxes, or even calling the company’s support phone numbers:
(011) 4063-8923 – São Paulo,
(019) 3500-8243 – Campinas
(021) 4063-9334 – Rio de Janeiro,
(031) 3058-0294 – Belo Horizonte,
(041) 4063-6143 – Curitiba,
(051) 4063-9913 – Porto Alegre,
(061) 4063-9913 – Brasília,
(071) 4062-7072 – Salvador,
(081) 4062-8072 – Recife,
available to request a duplicate within the hours of service, Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 00:00 hours, Sundays and holidays from 14:00 to 22:00 hours, Brasilia time, and request your invoice for payment on time.
3.3 – In the case of issuing a duplicate, after the expiration date, a fee of R$4.90 (Four Reais and Ninety Cents) will be charged.
3.4 – Since this is a technology service, it is necessary for the CONTRACTING PARTY to provide a technically capable person, or the contractor himself, to understand and administer all the systems. The SERVICE PROVIDER offers customer support Monday through Saturday from 08:00 to 00:00, Sundays and holidays from 14:00 to 22:00, via Chat, Ticket and Telephone, and in the case of post-paid contracts, premium support via WhatsApp.
3. You agree that if you have not contracted and paid additionally for this, not included in this contract are the production of content or administration of the platform by the SERVICE PROVIDER to the CONTRACTOR, all part that involves, administering sites (Frame Sites), producing and sending content and advertisements, (Gallery of videos on demand, Web TV and Web radio), to manage platform and students in case of EAD platform (Nochalks and Conference), production of logos, arts in general or any other content that is not part of the scope of this service which is the supply of the technology for the CONTRACTOR to make its proper use.
3.6 – The CONTRACTOR pays for the service so that the platforms are available for use, and are accessed for a limited period of time as contracted, this period includes the time it will take the CONTRACTOR to configure the platforms, make adjustments, or learn how to use them. Payments are due even if CONTRACTOR does not use or access the platforms, for whatever reason, even in the event of a pandemic or force majeure.
3.7 – All additional or complementary services that are not included in the plan hereby contracted will be charged separately, the CONTRACTOR agrees that he/she will pay for the additional services requested, according to the price defined for each one by the CONTRACTED one.
4.1 – The payments due by the CONTRACTOR, in reason of the present contract, will be made by means of Bank Collection Slip, Credit Cards, Debit Cards or Bank Transfer. Any other form of payment other than those foreseen herein will only serve as proof of discharge provided that it is previously and expressly authorized in writing by the SERVICE PROVIDER.
4.1.1 – It will be the responsibility of the SERVICE PROVIDER to send the bank collection invoice to the CONTRACTOR exclusively via e-mail 10 days before its due date.
4.2 – The payments are made per event, or monthly values, it is not possible to split a monthly plan and pay only for x days of use.
4.3 – Failure to pay the monthly fee, will result in complete suspension of services, and after 30 days, the total removal of customer files from the server, either the plan hosting sites, as videos in the case of Streaming Video On Demand, FrameSites or Platform EAD Nochalks, and consequently all their backups will also be removed, making any future recovery impossible.
4.4 – Annual, Semester or Quarterly Plans have special prices for prepayments for the entire period of the Plan (year, semester or quarter). For this reason, these Plans are not subject to early cancellation. By choosing one of these Plans the CONTRACTOR will have the Service available during the whole period of the chosen Plan.
5.1 – Pay on time the price due for the use of the services, including any costs for excess use, thus avoiding suspension of the services.
5.2 – Inform the CONTRACTOR of any changes to the data mentioned in this contract, including e-mail exchange, under penalty of considering all notices and notifications sent to the initially informed addresses valid.
5.3 – Be responsible for the correct programming of your site and for the feeding of its content in order to make its regular functioning possible, as well as to make the necessary adaptations in the programming, in order to adapt it to the good programming practices and to the technological innovations and/or security measures and/or use optimization that may be introduced by the SERVICE PROVIDER, within the period stipulated by the SERVICE PROVIDER.
5.3.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is prohibited from installing or attempting to install any type of malicious or poorly written program or code on the servers.
5.4 – Do not store or broadcast through your site pornographic, illegal, racist material or that demonstrate any other type of prejudice of race, creed, color or any other material that violates the moral, good customs and/or that is characterized as pirate and/or that violates in any way the legislation in force, under penalty of immediate suspension of the services herein contracted regardless of notice or notification.
5.5 – Respond exclusively for the content to be hosted, or for live or recorded video transmissions made through the CONTRACTOR’s system, including copyright rights, which is only a means and not responsible for the contract made available by the CONTRACTING PARTY. Indemnify, fully and regressively, the CONTRACTED one, in case of judicial or administrative condemnation, due to the content of the material transmitted by its site or web channel of content or videos.
5.6 – Register the domain to be hosted before the competent body, bearing all fees and emoluments due, for registration, if you choose to have your own domain name.
5.7 – Do not use the hosted site to host another site or other sites for free or for a fee, except by using the quota of Additional Domains made available by the plan or requested additionally.
5.8 – Do not use the resources provided by the CONTRACTED one for sending unsolicited e-mail (SPAM), or for any other illicit purpose. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the cancellation of the account, within 24 hours, with no right to a refund of previously paid invoices or invoices due in the case of a contract with future due dates.
6.1 – Provide the service hereunder, ensuring the efficiency and regular operation of the shared server, adopting with each of the users all the necessary measures to avoid damage to its operation.
6.2 – Provide technical support to the CONTRACTOR consistent with information on settings for publishing pages, reading and sending e-mails, and accessing other services, not including support for the use of specific programs. Excluded from the support to be provided are, among others, support for certain FTP or e-mail page authoring programs.
6.2.1 – Support will be provided Monday through Saturday from 08:00 to 00:00 Hours, Sundays and holidays from 14:00 to 22:00 via phone, chat, and Ticket, and available for 24-hour call registration, via the HELPDESK system, at, contained on the CONTRACTED PARTY’s website, which will be sent to the CONTRACTING PARTY together with its password after contracting.
6.3 – Inform the CONTRACTING PARTY, 03 (three) days in advance, about the interruptions necessary for technical adjustments or maintenance that require more than 06 (six) hours of duration and that may cause damage to the operability of the hosted content, except in case of urgency, meaning that which jeopardizes the regular operation of the shared CDN or Cloud and that determined for reasons of security of all users against detected vulnerabilities, provided that the interruptions in these cases do not exceed the duration of two hours each. The maintenances to be informed are only and exclusively those that interfere with the operability of the hosted site, being exempted previous information about interruptions, for technical reasons of accessory services that do not imply in damage to the operability of the hosted site.
6.3.1 – The interruption that causes damage to the operability of the hosted site and is necessary for system maintenance will be performed, preferably, in a period not exceeding 06 (six) hours, between 00:00 and 08:00 hours.
6.4 – Inform the CONTRACTING PARTY of any damage caused or that may be caused to the server by its stored programs and/or content.
6.5 – Maintain secrecy about the content made available by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
6.6 – Install on its servers that make up its cloud and CDN network updates of programs to protect against intrusion by third parties, not being, however, responsible in case of unavoidable attacks by overcoming the technology available on the market.
6.7 – If, at any time, the CONTRACTOR finds that the password(s) used by the CONTRACTING PARTY are below the minimum recommended security levels, it is authorized to block the use of the password insecure, regardless of prior notice or notification, and the lock persists until passwords are satisfactorily replaced.
6.7.1 – You must keep your username and password safe and not reveal it to third parties. Using the registration of additional users if necessary the access of collaborators, partners and others. If you suspect or know that an unauthorized third party has used your username and password, you must proceed with the password change procedure and notify us immediately by calling.
6.8 – Immediately remove the hosted content from the air, if you receive a complaint that it is being used, even without the CONTRACTING PARTY’s knowledge, for illegal or unauthorized practices.
6.9 – It is fully responsible for the payment of all costs necessary for the service offered, whether with suppliers and employees.
6.10 – Keep a weekly updated Backup of all data, database, video files and all other files of the CONTRACTING PARTY.
6.11 – These are weekly backups, that is, this week’s backup overlaps the previous week’s backup and so on, and a backup of a day or a month or any other rule that does not fit this criterion cannot be rescued.
6.12 – The CONTRACTOR will do its utmost to ensure that access to the platforms remains available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the period of its Plan. The level of Service is guaranteed under the terms of the SLA – Service Level Agreement. The CONTRACTOR does not promise or guarantee that the service will be immune to failures, interruptions, security flaws, unavailability, or other problems that may occur during its use, as well as any other service in the SaaS format (software as a service).
6.13 – The above mentioned situations are expected during the use of the Service and are considered normal. For this reason, problems, losses or damages that may occur because of them are not the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. In these cases, the terms of the SLA will always apply.
6.14 – As the availability of the contractor’s services is directly depending on internet and third-party services, the services provided by the CONTRACTOR or parts of it may be totally unavailable for a few moments for maintenance or as a result of errors and emergency corrections, whether of its own services or integrations with third-party APIs, if, for any reason, the Service needs to be interrupted for longer than expected, we will endeavor to notify you of this via the Platforms or by email. In these cases, the terms of the SLA also apply.
7.1 – The parties agree that the information contained in the content now hosted, videos, live broadcasts, emails that travel through it and the databases used by the CONTRACTING PARTY are covered by the secrecy and confidentiality clause, and the CONTRACTOR cannot , except for cases of order and/or request and/or judicial determination of any kind and/or order, request, determination of public authorities, in order to clarify facts and/or circumstances and/or instruct investigation, inquiry and/or ongoing complaint, disclose the information to third parties.
7.2 – The CONTRACTOR will not be responsible for breaches of the data and information mentioned above resulting from the acts of employees, agents or persons authorized by the CONTRACTING PARTY, nor those resulting from the criminal or irregular action of third parties (hackers) outside the limits of the technical predictability of the moment. in which it will occur.
7.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY agrees that, when using its services, be they transmission of Audio and Video Streaming, Video Management, website hosting, EAD platforms, or simultaneous retransmission via social networks, the CONTRACTING PARTY may disclose the brand of said CONTRACTING PARTY, on the CONTRACTED PARTY’s websites, as a way of disseminating the services provided and its technical capacity to other customers and website visitors, or advertising material in Audio, Video or printed, unless the customer communicates expressly by calling other than this disclosure .
7.4 – The development of mobile applications will be carried out according to the proposal sent, however if the transmission infringes any copyright, if any audiovisual content is transmitted that does not belong to the CONTRACTING PARTY, or that is not authorized to display, the application will not be published, if this occurs when the application has already been published, it will be suspended, in any case, the amounts paid for the development of the application, whether paid or still to be paid, will continue to be due.
7.5 – The CONTRACTING PARTY agrees that by sending feedbacks, emails, calls, links, suggestions for improvement of tools, concepts, techniques, Know-How, it authorizes the CONTRACTED PARTY to use this information for any purpose, including, among others, the development , manufacture and commercialization of products that incorporate such ideas, concepts or techniques, unless they are protected by NDA.
8.1 – All Audio Streaming and Video Streaming plans have their respective Bitrate limit, of simultaneous users according to the contracted plan.
8.1.1 – The Contractor is aware that live plans with a Bitrate limit will be automatically disconnected by the system when this limit is exceeded, thus causing drops in transmissions.
8.1.2 – The contracting party is aware that the delay (delay) in live transmissions, between origin and destination, in normal situations of stability of internet wired by optical fiber, is between 3 and 60 seconds.
8.1.3 – For transmissions with delay guaranteeing a maximum of 3 seconds, it is necessary to hire a specific service for this case, low latency, or low latency.
8.1.4 – The Contractor is aware that for low latency services with a maximum delay guaranteeing up to 3 seconds, it is for internet situations with end-to-end cable, fiber optics and network cables.
8.1.5 – For video conference systems, there is no such delay, it is in real time, but limited to the number of users per room.
8.2 – The Audio Streaming and/or Video Streaming system of any nature cannot be used to host movies, TV series, music, applications or any type of copyrighted material, characterized as “piracy”, stored in any format or file extension, broadcast live TV channels, sporting events without copyright will not refund paid invoices in the event of cancellation by the CONTRACTING PARTY. Cancellation must be requested via ticket with the reason for cancellation.
8.3 – The live broadcast and Video On Demand (VOD) recording system also has its limits in addition to bitrate and simultaneous users, the plans are limited by disk space according to the contracted plan.
8.3.1 – When uploading a video, the CONTRACTOR is aware that this video is rendered and converted in more than one quality, to work in the adaptive intelligent system, where it will always run the best video quality according to the internet. of user. 3 versions of the video are generated, and different resolutions and bitrates, which may take up more disk space than the original video.
8.3.2 – The contracting party is aware that in the plans of videos recorded on demand, or vod, the bitrate limit is made in the conversion of the video, and there may be a loss of quality according to the Bitrate of the contract plan, for example, if the CONTRACTING PARTY send a 20mbps video, and your plan is 2mbps, the video will be converted to 2mbps, which will inevitably cause quality loss.
8.3.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware and agrees that the disk space for recording its live broadcasts is limited by what was contracted, and if this limit is exceeded, the system will automatically interrupt the recording, and restart its transmission at live, which may result in the loss of the recording and the temporary interruption of the transmission.
8.4 – The Live Social Tool, which allows simultaneous retransmission to all social networks, has its limits also defined by the number of social networks to be used simultaneously, as stated in the contract.
8.5 – The EAD Nochalks Platform, counts its limits of students, courses, and disk space, to which are added all files used by customers, from stored emails, support files, and video.
8.5.1 – The EAD Nochalks Platform, values the security of the published content, end-to-end encryption of all content trafficked through it, even so, it cannot be held responsible if there is any type of invasion, which manages to break the security technology in force.
8.5.2 – The Nochalks EAD Platform
8.6 – The Contracting and use of the Service as it is and as made available by JMV Technology Eirelli EPP (“As is, As available”). The functionalities and features available for will be those specifically provided for in the contracted plan.
8.6.1 – The CONTRACTOR works at all times on improvements and updates to deliver innovation, performance, security and the best technology. Therefore, new features may be added and others may be modified, removed and discontinued during the period of use, without this generating any type of bonus.
8.6.2 – We will always provide the most up-to-date version of the platforms and the updates will be applied automatically to all customers, and it is not possible to use previous versions.
8.6.3 – The development, modification or customization of any functionality is not included, except for those that were contracted, paid separately.
8.7 – The use of the platform must be in accordance with these terms and with the purposes for which each was developed, however, its use is at your own risk.
8.7.1 – The CONTRACTOR does not provide any guarantee in obtaining results from our services. Thus, the CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that payments for the Service are due regardless of the achievement of results or even their use.
8.7.2 – The CONTRACTED Provides digital technology services, and their use requires minimum knowledge of computers and their means, to use these services, the CONTRACTOR must consult our tutorials, websites, faqs, to learn about the operation of each one, or, if the plan contemplates, the use of training by video conference, in loco, individual, in groups, or by other means.
8.7.3 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY has questions or problems, they should consult our tutorials before contacting our support team.
8.7.4 – In order to contact our support team, the CONTRACTOR must properly identify himself and describe the problem with as much detail as possible, including the link to the page where the problem occurred, the actions taken before and after the occurrence. , screen shots and any other information that is relevant. The deadlines and opening hours will be those defined in your Plan.
8.8 – The devices and browsers that the CONTRACTING PARTY uses to access the platforms, as well as the internet connection, are their sole responsibility.
8.8.1 – The administrative area of the platforms are approved in the Google Chrome browser.
8.9 – The Platforms and all aspects of the services offered by JMV Technology Eirelli EPP are online. Therefore, for the purposes of these Terms, the place where the service is provided is the address of our registered office.
9.1 – the CONTRACTING PARTY agrees to use the contracted services only:
a) for lawful and legitimate purposes;
b) for purposes appropriate to the purposes of each Platform submitted in the proposal;
c) in accordance with these terms of use agreement;
d) in accordance with the other instructions given by the CONTRACTOR throughout the period in which the CONTRACTING PARTY uses the services;
9.2 – Through the Platforms, the CONTRACTING PARTY will be able to obtain registrations from its customers or potential customers, provide online content, monetize through ADS systems, Donations, polls, among other functions aimed at its digital business with or without the use of live broadcasts. It will be up to the CONTRACTING PARTY to define and manage the way in which it will conduct the use of the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services in its business.
9.2.1 – The people for whom the CONTRACTING PARTY will direct its business, who will use the Platforms to enjoy their Content and/or services, register, or participate in any actions through the Platforms, free of charge or for a fee, including in the role of administrator, as a business partner, your customers or others will be called Users here.
9.2.2 – The relationship between the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users, business partners, employees or third parties in general is exclusively your responsibility. the CONTRACTING PARTY will hold the CONTRACTOR harmless from any liability related to them, including, but not limited to, claims, lawsuits or indemnities that may be required. the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby agrees that it will reimburse the CONTRACTED PARTY if we are required to bear costs, including attorney’s fees, or loss of suit arising from such situations.
9.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is solely and fully responsible for the way in which it will use the platforms provided by the CONTRACTED PARTY, for the administration of its use, production of content and its features, uploading files or taking any actions in the use of the platform.
9.4 – All content that is inserted on the platforms is the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY. Logos, images, brands, video files, texts, audios, media in general, information, personal data, registrations in general, generic data, data related to your business in general and to your users, and must comply with current legislation, including with regard to LGPD, exempting the CONTRACTOR from any responsibility for this data.
9.5 – The CONTRACTING PARTY recognizes that these terms bring benefits only to the CONTRACTING PARTY and not to its users, third parties or others. All transactions and terms related to the content and any other business relationships of any nature, whether commercial or technical, for onerous or free of charge, made through the CONTRACTED PARTY’s platforms, are exclusively between the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users.
9.6 – The CONTRACTING PARTY declares to be aware that when accessing and using the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services for its business purposes, consumer protection laws do not apply, since the CONTRACTING PARTY will not be the final recipient of the Service
10.1 – The CONTRACTOR will not refund paid invoices, in the event of cancellation by the CONTRACTING PARTY, if the latter exceeds the period of 7 days from the date of activation of the services, to request a refund for its right to purchase over the internet, the so-called ” Right of Repentance”.
10.2 – Cancellation must be requested within 3 business days prior to the last day of the paid month or the date on which invoices for the next billing period will be generated.
10.3 – Late payment of any amount due will result in interest of 1% per month, and a fine of 2% will be applied, the CONTRACTOR may use the available credit protection means and also collect these amounts extrajudicially or judicially.
10.4 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY has outstanding amounts or installments due, including those referring to additional or complementary services that have been requested (such as customizations, training, etc.), the CONTRACTING PARTY must make the payment on the date of termination.
10.5 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not make the payments on the due date, the services will be suspended through the blocking of access, and the total suspension of the services, including access to its users. In this case, we will be authorized to permanently delete ALL the data contained in the platforms. The CONTRACTING PARTY may be notified by e-mail about the delay in payment so that it can settle them, however, it must also seek by its own means to keep payments up to date.
11.1 – According to the STJ’s understanding: “It is possible to say that streaming, a technology that makes it possible to broadcast over the internet, is one of the modalities provided for by law by which musical works and phonograms are transmitted; and also, by legal definition, the internet is regarded as a place of collective frequency, characterizing, therefore, the execution as public”
11.2 – In view of this, the CONTRACTING PARTY understands and formally expresses all responsibility for the rights to use the content that becomes a vehicle using the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services duly registered before the legal bodies.
11.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY understands and formally expresses that it is fully aware that the CONTRACTOR only provides the technology necessary for the propagation and dissemination of content on the internet or in the means that it will use, which is a service of means, and not of end, not under no circumstances may the CONTRACTOR be held liable for any content that may be broadcast by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
11.4 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is still aware and formally expresses its legal responsibility if it infringes the authorization rights of any work in any country, in the event that the CONTRACTED PARTY is notified, processed or has expenses arising from the breach of this clause, it is hereby agreed that all these expenses will be borne by the CONTRACTING PARTY immediately and irrevocably.
11.5 – If notified for any breach of this clause, the CONTRACTING PARTY understands and agrees that the CONTRACTED PARTY will immediately suspend the service provided, incur in the termination of the contract and the total payment of the contract and other expenses and costs that incur in this fact.
11.6 – The CONTRACTOR may, at its sole discretion, consider the use of the service inappropriate, if this occurs, the subscriber will be notified in advance and must promptly remedy the inappropriate use of the service.
11.7 – Considering the usage patterns and current legislation, the CONTRACTING PARTY must refrain from: Invading the privacy of other subscribers, seeking access and passwords and private data, modifying files or assuming, without authorization, the identity of another subscriber, disrespecting laws copyright and intellectual property, intentionally harm users of the INTERNET, through the development of programs, unauthorized access to computers, alterations of files, programs and residential data on the network, disseminate advertising or announce products and services through electronic mail, unless in cases where the recipients expressly agree with this type of content.
11.8 – Indemnify and indemnify the CONTRACTED PARTY from any legal claim resulting from misuse of the services, through the exclusive fault of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including losses and damages required by third parties;
11.9 – Transmit or store any adult material related to pornography and advertising related to sex, racist, or that demonstrates any other type of prejudice of race, creed, color or any other material that affronts morals, good customs and/or that is characterized as a pirate and/or that in any other way violates the legislation in force, UNDER PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICES CONTRACTED REGARDLESS OF PRIOR NOTICE OR NOTIFICATION. The CONTRACTED PARTY will be the only one to decide what constitutes any violation of this measure.
12.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that outages or errors may occur, as with any other online service, and cannot be classified as a failure in the provision of the Service. Under no circumstances will the CONTRACTOR be liable for losses and/or damages arising from these facts, both in relation to the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users, business partners or third parties.
12.2 – The service availability level is guaranteed in accordance with the SLA – Service Level Agreement. According to the monthly percentage of unavailability that has occurred, discounts will be applied on the value of the CONTRACTING PARTY’s plan
12.3 – Under no circumstances, the total amount of indemnities resulting from any possible unavailability of the services, based on these terms or even, based on law, whether in the judicial or extrajudicial sphere, may exceed the amount referring to the month prior to the occurrence of the facts that gave rise to the claim for compensation.
12.4 – The Service provided by the CONTRACTOR based on these terms does not, under any circumstances, generate an employment relationship between the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTING PARTY, their employees, business partners or any person linked to the CONTRACTING PARTY or the CONTRACTED PARTY, including, but not limited to, employees , partners, directors, representatives and service providers. WE have full autonomy to provide the services at our discretion.
13.1 – CONTRACTOR, JMV TECHNOLOGY EIRELLI EPP, provides access to Ead Platforms, tracking, audio streaming, video streaming, video conferencing, and others that may arise, a margin of error of up to 3 percentage points is expected in the monthly availability (uptime).
13.2 – It is considered normal that the uptime of all platforms is at least 97%.
13.3 – If the Platforms have an unavailability (downtime) greater than 3% of the month, we will grant the CONTRACTING PARTY a progressive discount to be applied on the amount owed by their plan for the month of occurrence, according to the table below:
Monthly Availability – Discount
96% to 96.9% – 1%
93% up to 95.9% – 3%
90% up to 92,9% – 5%
Abaixo up to 89,9% – 8%
13.4 – Monthly system availability reports will be made available upon your request.
13.5 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that, for services that depend on integrations with third-party systems and Apis, such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, or any other, our SLA does not charge the unavailability of this third party, only with regard to the services and platforms directly provided. and maintained by the CONTRACTOR.
13.5.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware and agrees that under no circumstances will the CONTRACTED PARTY store their passwords used in third-party APIs, user passwords, credit cards and any third-party data, it is integrated in the RestAPI format where only encrypted tokens between the Apis, making it impossible to leak any data from the CONTRACTING PARTY, by the CONTRACTED PARTY’s systems.
14.1 – The use of the JMVPlay application is free for customers of post-paid plans with contract.
14.1.1 – All content published on JMV Play is the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including with regard to item 11 of copyright protection.
14.1.2 – It is necessary to send a copy of the ECAD for radio and TV stations that use JMV PLAY via ticket.
14.1.2 – É necessário o envio de cópia do ECAD para os casos de emissoras de rádio e tv que forem utilizar o JMV PLAY via ticket.14.1.3 – It is necessary to send all graphic material for publication of JMV Play, arts, titles, descriptions and whatever else is necessary.
14.2 – The development of mobile applications and/or websites is governed by clear, authorized and irrevocable steps at each step.
14.2.1 – Step 1 consists of the brainstorm where the CONTRACTING PARTY will say what he wants.
14.2.1 – Step 2, It is necessary to send all graphic material for publication of the application or website, arts, logos, titles, descriptions and whatever else is necessary and requested by the CONTRACTOR.
14.2.3 – In Step 3, the CONTRACTOR will make a sketch, and a drawing in low fidelity for the CONTRACTING PARTY’s approval, in addition to the layout, the functions of each button, of each part of the system, after approval, this step cannot further be modified by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
14.2.4 – In Step 4, only after approval of the previous step, the CONTRACTOR will make the design in high fidelity, until it is definitively approved by the CONTRACTING PARTY, after approval this step can no longer be modified by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
14.2.5 – In step 5, the system will be effectively developed in accordance with what was previously approved.
14.2.6 – In Step 6, the site or app will be validated by the client, before it is published, corrections can be applied according to what was previously approved, and it will only be published after its approval, in this
14.2.7 – All deadlines for each stage are included in the respective contract signed by both parties.
14.3 – In order to publish the website, if it is not included in the package contracted by the client, it is necessary to hire hosting for your website.
14.4 – For the publication of IOS, Android, Smart TV Samsumg, Smart TV LG, Smart TV Sony, it may be necessary for the CONTRACTOR to create its own developer account, and bear the costs thereof, as required by the rules applied in each company mentioned above.
Brazilian legislation applies to these terms, regardless of the country in which the CONTRACTING PARTY is located.
15.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY agrees that in the event of problems related to these terms, the CONTRACTED PARTY and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall spare no effort to resolve amicably, always in accordance with the reality of these Terms. But, if it is not possible, to settle any disputes arising from this contract, the parties elect the jurisdiction of the District of DIVINÓPOLIS – MG, abstaining from any other, however privileged it may be.
15.2 – By accessing the service, the CONTRACTOR confirms that he has read and accepts these Terms, formalizing the contract on behalf of the legal or natural person to use the Service.
15.3 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY is contracting on behalf of a legal entity, he confirms and guarantees that he is personally authorized to do so.
15.4 – This is an electronic contract with legal validity before the law, so do not accept it if YOU do not have the necessary powers.
As they are in common agreement, they formalize this instrument.
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9.1 – the CONTRACTING PARTY agrees to use the contracted services only:
a) for lawful and legitimate purposes;
b) for purposes appropriate to the purposes of each Platform submitted in the proposal;
c) in accordance with these terms of use agreement;
d) in accordance with the other instructions given by the CONTRACTOR throughout the period in which the CONTRACTING PARTY uses the services;
9.2 – Through the Platforms, the CONTRACTING PARTY will be able to obtain registrations from its customers or potential customers, provide online content, monetize through ADS systems, Donations, polls, among other functions aimed at its digital business with or without the use of live broadcasts. It will be up to the CONTRACTING PARTY to define and manage the way in which it will conduct the use of the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services in its business.
9.2.1 – The people for whom the CONTRACTING PARTY will direct its business, who will use the Platforms to enjoy their Content and/or services, register, or participate in any actions through the Platforms, free of charge or for a fee, including in the role of administrator, as a business partner, your customers or others will be called Users here.
9.2.2 – The relationship between the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users, business partners, employees or third parties in general is exclusively your responsibility. the CONTRACTING PARTY will hold the CONTRACTOR harmless from any liability related to them, including, but not limited to, claims, lawsuits or indemnities that may be required. the CONTRACTING PARTY hereby agrees that it will reimburse the CONTRACTED PARTY if we are required to bear costs, including attorney’s fees, or loss of suit arising from such situations.
9.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is solely and fully responsible for the way in which it will use the platforms provided by the CONTRACTED PARTY, for the administration of its use, production of content and its features, uploading files or taking any actions in the use of the platform.
9.4 – All content that is inserted on the platforms is the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY. Logos, images, brands, video files, texts, audios, media in general, information, personal data, registrations in general, generic data, data related to your business in general and to your users, and must comply with current legislation, including with regard to LGPD, exempting the CONTRACTOR from any responsibility for this data.
9.5 – The CONTRACTING PARTY recognizes that these terms bring benefits only to the CONTRACTING PARTY and not to its users, third parties or others. All transactions and terms related to the content and any other business relationships of any nature, whether commercial or technical, for onerous or free of charge, made through the CONTRACTED PARTY’s platforms, are exclusively between the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users.
9.6 – The CONTRACTING PARTY declares to be aware that when accessing and using the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services for its business purposes, consumer protection laws do not apply, since the CONTRACTING PARTY will not be the final recipient of the Service
10.1 – The CONTRACTOR will not refund paid invoices, in the event of cancellation by the CONTRACTING PARTY, if the latter exceeds the period of 7 days from the date of activation of the services, to request a refund for its right to purchase over the internet, the so-called ” Right of Repentance”.
10.2 – Cancellation must be requested within 3 business days prior to the last day of the paid month or the date on which invoices for the next billing period will be generated.
10.3 – Late payment of any amount due will result in interest of 1% per month, and a fine of 2% will be applied, the CONTRACTOR may use the available credit protection means and also collect these amounts extrajudicially or judicially.
10.4 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY has outstanding amounts or installments due, including those referring to additional or complementary services that have been requested (such as customizations, training, etc.), the CONTRACTING PARTY must make the payment on the date of termination.
10.5 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY does not make the payments on the due date, the services will be suspended through the blocking of access, and the total suspension of the services, including access to its users. In this case, we will be authorized to permanently delete ALL the data contained in the platforms. The CONTRACTING PARTY may be notified by e-mail about the delay in payment so that it can settle them, however, it must also seek by its own means to keep payments up to date.
11.1 – According to the STJ’s understanding: “It is possible to say that streaming, a technology that makes it possible to broadcast over the internet, is one of the modalities provided for by law by which musical works and phonograms are transmitted; and also, by legal definition, the internet is regarded as a place of collective frequency, characterizing, therefore, the execution as public”
11.2 – In view of this, the CONTRACTING PARTY understands and formally expresses all responsibility for the rights to use the content that becomes a vehicle using the CONTRACTED PARTY’s services duly registered before the legal bodies.
11.3 – The CONTRACTING PARTY understands and formally expresses that it is fully aware that the CONTRACTOR only provides the technology necessary for the propagation and dissemination of content on the internet or in the means that it will use, which is a service of means, and not of end, not under no circumstances may the CONTRACTOR be held liable for any content that may be broadcast by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
11.4 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is still aware and formally expresses its legal responsibility if it infringes the authorization rights of any work in any country, in the event that the CONTRACTED PARTY is notified, processed or has expenses arising from the breach of this clause, it is hereby agreed that all these expenses will be borne by the CONTRACTING PARTY immediately and irrevocably.
11.5 – If notified for any breach of this clause, the CONTRACTING PARTY understands and agrees that the CONTRACTED PARTY will immediately suspend the service provided, incur in the termination of the contract and the total payment of the contract and other expenses and costs that incur in this fact.
11.6 – The CONTRACTOR may, at its sole discretion, consider the use of the service inappropriate, if this occurs, the subscriber will be notified in advance and must promptly remedy the inappropriate use of the service.
11.7 – Considering the usage patterns and current legislation, the CONTRACTING PARTY must refrain from: Invading the privacy of other subscribers, seeking access and passwords and private data, modifying files or assuming, without authorization, the identity of another subscriber, disrespecting laws copyright and intellectual property, intentionally harm users of the INTERNET, through the development of programs, unauthorized access to computers, alterations of files, programs and residential data on the network, disseminate advertising or announce products and services through electronic mail, unless in cases where the recipients expressly agree with this type of content.
11.8 – Indemnify and indemnify the CONTRACTED PARTY from any legal claim resulting from misuse of the services, through the exclusive fault of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including losses and damages required by third parties;
11.9 – Transmit or store any adult material related to pornography and advertising related to sex, racist, or that demonstrates any other type of prejudice of race, creed, color or any other material that affronts morals, good customs and/or that is characterized as a pirate and/or that in any other way violates the legislation in force, UNDER PENALTY OF IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION OF THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICES CONTRACTED REGARDLESS OF PRIOR NOTICE OR NOTIFICATION. The CONTRACTED PARTY will be the only one to decide what constitutes any violation of this measure.
12.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that outages or errors may occur, as with any other online service, and cannot be classified as a failure in the provision of the Service. Under no circumstances will the CONTRACTOR be liable for losses and/or damages arising from these facts, both in relation to the CONTRACTING PARTY and its users, business partners or third parties.
12.2 – The service availability level is guaranteed in accordance with the SLA – Service Level Agreement. According to the monthly percentage of unavailability that has occurred, discounts will be applied on the value of the CONTRACTING PARTY’s plan
12.3 – Under no circumstances, the total amount of indemnities resulting from any possible unavailability of the services, based on these terms or even, based on law, whether in the judicial or extrajudicial sphere, may exceed the amount referring to the month prior to the occurrence of the facts that gave rise to the claim for compensation.
12.4 – The Service provided by the CONTRACTOR based on these terms does not, under any circumstances, generate an employment relationship between the CONTRACTOR and the CONTRACTING PARTY, their employees, business partners or any person linked to the CONTRACTING PARTY or the CONTRACTED PARTY, including, but not limited to, employees , partners, directors, representatives and service providers. WE have full autonomy to provide the services at our discretion.
13.1 – CONTRACTOR, JMV TECHNOLOGY EIRELLI EPP, provides access to Ead Platforms, tracking, audio streaming, video streaming, video conferencing, and others that may arise, a margin of error of up to 3 percentage points is expected in the monthly availability (uptime).
13.2 – It is considered normal that the uptime of all platforms is at least 97%.
13.3 – If the Platforms have an unavailability (downtime) greater than 3% of the month, we will grant the CONTRACTING PARTY a progressive discount to be applied on the amount owed by their plan for the month of occurrence, according to the table below:
Monthly Availability – Discount
96% to 96.9% – 1%
93% up to 95.9% – 3%
90% up to 92,9% – 5%
Abaixo up to 89,9% – 8%
13.4 – Monthly system availability reports will be made available upon your request.
13.5 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware that, for services that depend on integrations with third-party systems and Apis, such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, or any other, our SLA does not charge the unavailability of this third party, only with regard to the services and platforms directly provided. and maintained by the CONTRACTOR.
13.5.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY is aware and agrees that under no circumstances will the CONTRACTED PARTY store their passwords used in third-party APIs, user passwords, credit cards and any third-party data, it is integrated in the RestAPI format where only encrypted tokens between the Apis, making it impossible to leak any data from the CONTRACTING PARTY, by the CONTRACTED PARTY’s systems.
14.1 – The use of the JMVPlay application is free for customers of post-paid plans with contract.
14.1.1 – All content published on JMV Play is the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTING PARTY, including with regard to item 11 of copyright protection.
14.1.2 – It is necessary to send a copy of the ECAD for radio and TV stations that use JMV PLAY via ticket.
14.1.2 – É necessário o envio de cópia do ECAD para os casos de emissoras de rádio e tv que forem utilizar o JMV PLAY via ticket.14.1.3 – It is necessary to send all graphic material for publication of JMV Play, arts, titles, descriptions and whatever else is necessary.
14.2 – The development of mobile applications and/or websites is governed by clear, authorized and irrevocable steps at each step.
14.2.1 – Step 1 consists of the brainstorm where the CONTRACTING PARTY will say what he wants.
14.2.1 – Step 2, It is necessary to send all graphic material for publication of the application or website, arts, logos, titles, descriptions and whatever else is necessary and requested by the CONTRACTOR.
14.2.3 – In Step 3, the CONTRACTOR will make a sketch, and a drawing in low fidelity for the CONTRACTING PARTY’s approval, in addition to the layout, the functions of each button, of each part of the system, after approval, this step cannot further be modified by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
14.2.4 – In Step 4, only after approval of the previous step, the CONTRACTOR will make the design in high fidelity, until it is definitively approved by the CONTRACTING PARTY, after approval this step can no longer be modified by the CONTRACTING PARTY.
14.2.5 – In step 5, the system will be effectively developed in accordance with what was previously approved.
14.2.6 – In Step 6, the site or app will be validated by the client, before it is published, corrections can be applied according to what was previously approved, and it will only be published after its approval, in this
14.2.7 – All deadlines for each stage are included in the respective contract signed by both parties.
14.3 – In order to publish the website, if it is not included in the package contracted by the client, it is necessary to hire hosting for your website.
14.4 – For the publication of IOS, Android, Smart TV Samsumg, Smart TV LG, Smart TV Sony, it may be necessary for the CONTRACTOR to create its own developer account, and bear the costs thereof, as required by the rules applied in each company mentioned above.
Brazilian legislation applies to these terms, regardless of the country in which the CONTRACTING PARTY is located.
15.1 – The CONTRACTING PARTY agrees that in the event of problems related to these terms, the CONTRACTED PARTY and the CONTRACTING PARTY shall spare no effort to resolve amicably, always in accordance with the reality of these Terms. But, if it is not possible, to settle any disputes arising from this contract, the parties elect the jurisdiction of the District of DIVINÓPOLIS – MG, abstaining from any other, however privileged it may be.
15.2 – By accessing the service, the CONTRACTOR confirms that he has read and accepts these Terms, formalizing the contract on behalf of the legal or natural person to use the Service.
15.3 – If the CONTRACTING PARTY is contracting on behalf of a legal entity, he confirms and guarantees that he is personally authorized to do so.
15.4 – This is an electronic contract with legal validity before the law, so do not accept it if YOU do not have the necessary powers.
As they are in common agreement, they formalize this instrument.
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